Contest winners
Awards: 72
Top awards // click section to see foto
# | Award | Name | Country | Photo |
1. | Grand Prix LifePressPhoto-2024 | BUKHMAN BORYS «Військовий шпиталь. Один день з життя.» |
Ukraine | |
2. | Special award "War in Ukraine. World against war in Ukraine" | Gusak Andrij «Живі#1» |
Ukraine |
01. Daily Life (single photo) // click section to see foto
# | Award | Name | Country | Photo |
1. | Gold medal from LifePressPhoto-2024 | Zinchenko Roman «Війна війною, а город чекає...» |
Ukraine | |
2. | Silver medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Dashkov Oleg «Весна 2023. Львів» |
Ukraine | |
3. | Bronze medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Bershadskij YUrij «Недитячі забави» |
Ukraine | |
4. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | CHornij Oleksandr «Забутий друг» |
Ukraine | дата створення 26.01.2022, Житомир, Україна, Старий, брудний пес із сумними, пронизливими очима терпляче чекає, коли його маршрутка прорветься крізь міський хаос. Його помутнена шерсть увібрала втому і негаразди прожитих років. У його погляді відбивається вся туга і самотність мандрівного життя. Незважаючи на жалюгідний стан, в очах пса ще теплиться вогник надії та незламного духу. |
5. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Photojournalist Abdul-Goni «Extreme weather» |
Bangladesh | |
6. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | BS Venkatesh «Camel herders early morning 6639» |
India |
02. Daily Life (series of photos) // click section to see foto
03. Spot news, general news (single photo) // click section to see foto
# | Award | Name | Country | Photo |
1. | Gold medal from LifePressPhoto-2024 | Arce Celestino «Aftermath of a massive earthquake in Kahramanmarash, Turkey.» |
Spain | |
2. | Silver medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Dyachishin YUrko «***» |
Ukraine | |
3. | Bronze medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Danisevicius Ramunas «The funeral of the wife of President V. Adamkus» |
Lithuania | |
4. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | BUKHMAN BORYS «Мобільна вогнева група. МВГ - 1» |
Ukraine | |
5. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Bershadskij YUrij «У пошуках тих, хто вижив» |
Ukraine | |
6. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Ebrahim Isa «Children of Karbala» |
Bahrain | Muslim girls take part in a mourning procession marking the day of Ashura in Karbala, Iraq. Shite Muslims are observing the Ashura, the tenth day of the first Islamic month of Muharram, to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein, a grandson of the Prophet Mohammed, in the Iraqi city of Karbala in the seventh century. |
04. Spot news, general news (series of photos) // click section to see foto
05. People in the news, Portrait (ssingle of photos) // click section to see foto
# | Award | Name | Country | Photo |
1. | Gold medal from LifePressPhoto-2024 | Arce Celestino «Ukrainian delegation in the Vilnius NATO Summit in Lithuania.» |
Spain | |
2. | Silver medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Dolzhenko Olena «Страж» |
Ukraine | |
3. | Bronze medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Bobricshev Kostyantin «Позивний Синок» |
Ukraine | |
4. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Dyachishin YUrko «***» |
Ukraine | |
5. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Peleckis Paulius «Lithuanian Armed Forces Special Operations Forces (SOF)» |
Lithuania | |
6. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Bershadskij YUrij «Біженка» |
Ukraine |
06. People in the news, Portrait (series photos) // click section to see foto
07. Sport (single photo) // click section to see foto
# | Award | Name | Country | Photo |
1. | Gold medal from LifePressPhoto-2024 | Dubyna Oleg «Юний паралімпієць» |
Ukraine | |
2. | Silver medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Ajuriaguerra-Saiz Pedro-Luis «La passion du Tour » |
Spain | |
3. | Bronze medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Dyachishin YUrko «Сила» |
Ukraine | |
4. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | MAZZOLA RENZO «ULTIMA PORTA» |
Italy | |
5. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Panaitescu Stefan «Eyes wide shut» |
Romania | |
6. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Danisevicius Ramunas «The ball is round» |
Lithuania |
08. Sport (series of photos) // click section to see foto
09. Nature, Environment (single photo) // click section to see foto
# | Award | Name | Country | Photo |
1. | Gold medal from LifePressPhoto-2024 | Ajuriaguerra-Saiz Pedro-Luis «Hello» |
Spain | |
2. | Silver medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Sen Mrinal «Dart Combat» |
India | |
3. | Bronze medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Miroshnyk Serhii «Павиче око» |
Ukraine | |
India | |
5. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | MAZZOLA RENZO «CUCULO SUL GIRASOLE» |
Italy | |
6. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Marchetti Tiziana «Fitz Roy» |
Italy |
10. Nature, Environment (series of photos) // click section to see foto
11. Arts, Entertainment (single photo) // click section to see foto
# | Award | Name | Country | Photo |
1. | Gold medal from LifePressPhoto-2024 | Ferenc-AFIAP Urszula «The Rumpled» |
Poland | |
2. | Silver medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Ribokaite Normante «Жіноча земля» |
Lithuania | |
3. | Bronze medal LifePressPhoto-2024 | Danisevicius Ramunas «Music fans» |
Lithuania | |
4. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Dubas Volodimir «Святкова хода звіздарів у Львові» |
Ukraine | |
5. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Kompanijchenko Evgenij- «Кордон» |
Ukraine | |
6. | Diploma LifePressPhoto-2024 | Sen Mrinal «Yellow Fusion» |
India |
12. Arts, Entertainment (series of photos) // click section to see foto